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g = glossy cuticle
Gene: g
Feature/structure: Cuticle, global
Linkage Group:  2 
Origin: EMS mutagenesis of sooty. Dch3 /Ey chromosome extraction [Dch3/unb]
Description: • Color has been found to be "light pumpkin", compared to wild-type.
• The exterior surface, with the exception of elytra, has a higher reflectivity than normal, due to a reduction of the "surface microsculpture" between the setiferous pits.
• The elytra are sometimes divergent [usually not].
• T1 epimera tend to be slightly incomplete, not quite extending as far under the sternellum as with wild-type.
• Ventral sclerites also have an imperfect T1-T2 juncture at the T2 coxae.